A downloadable game for Windows and Android

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Dark Solitude is an interactive psychological horror story with choices, that actually matter. The story follows a path of a member of a large science space station, that wakes up after a long cryo sleep. Although all the other crew members are still in a deep sleep. Or... are they? Why the system woke him up?

The story reveals deep dark misteries hidden within the walls of the space station. The player will choose their own path through choices under each piece of the story. This approach can lead to several endings. The game has a "Death Counter" which counts all the possible endings the player opened.

This version of the game contains only the first chapter of the story. It's an old prototype that I decided to bring back to life and publish at least this short DEMO to see, if people would be interested in this kind of game. If this project gathers enough atention, I will finish the story and release a full version. I have some gamplay mechanics in mind to add to this project, so the result may be pretty interesting. So that means that every feedback will be very appreciated.



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Dark Solitude - Android 108 MB
Dark Solitude - PC 141 MB

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